Health Benefits

Health Benefits of Eating Chicken

Chicken - the miracle meat

Chicken is one of those meat items that finds its place in most Indian meals. A favourite among all age groups, chicken is not only easily available, but is also nutritious and healthy if consumed in right quantities.

This lean meat is one of the healthier food choices in our diet that ensures better immunity. Let us have a look at the numerous benefits of the delightful chicken!

Nutritional value of chicken

While chicken is a lean meat with loads of proteins, it is also high on cholesterol. Chicken provides selenium which contains antioxidants that help control free radicals and improve your immune system.

Every 100gms of cooked chicken meat would contain 239 calories and 27 gms of protein and is an excellent source for Vitamins B6, B12, D, zinc and iron.

What you get when you consume chicken?

Body weight maintenance:  With chicken being an excellent source of high-quality protein, it helps in maintaining body weight especially for obese people. Adequate protein quantities would mean that your stomach stays full leaving no scope for binge eating. Including chicken two to three times in a week is healthy.

That toned figure that you desired:  For all those who aspire to have a muscular and toned body, chicken is your answer. The high protein content would give you the necessary energy to function properly. However, do ensure to balance it out with enough macro and micro nutrients in your diet.

Strong bones and healthy teeth: The protein content in chicken helps in decreasing bone loss. Bone loss is a major concern for women (aged 30 and above) and the geriatric population.  Consuming 100gms of chicken breast would be sufficient in fulfilling half of your daily protein intake. Furthermore, the phosphorus in chicken helps in maintaining healthy teeth, bones, and ensures proper functioning of kidneys, liver and the central nervous system.

Increased metabolism: Since selenium is present in good quantities, consuming chicken would mean increase in metabolism rates especially the antioxidant defense system, thyroid hormone and immune function of the body.

Protection from cancer: You heard it right! Chicken is rich in niacin, a particular kind of Vitamin B that guards the body against cancer and other genetic complications.

Cooking chicken the healthy way!

Most of us associate the word “healthy” with bland food. However, that’s not true.  Just throw in healthier spices and curd while you cook chicken and don’t forget to use cooking methods like steaming, broiling, roasting and grilling to get that delectable dish!

So go on, include more chicken and have a gastronomic experience while staying healthy!

